LitePC - the home of 98lite and xplite - to customize and tweak Windows for performance and embedded computers. LitePC enhances Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
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There are two variations of the upgrade patch that can be used by both PROFESSIONAL and PREVIEW users. Which one you require depends on which version of the explorer desktop you have installed. If you encounter any problems or know of a feature that should have been included in these just let us know.

Specific fixes are:

  • Outlook Express would not print to a network printer
  • Windows Update not working
  • Advanced Folder Properties empty
  • Scripting Errors with HTML shell folders and some outlook express rendering with IE removed.

If you have the Original, CHUBBY, or OVERWEIGHT Windows98/Me explorer desktop...

HINT: click on the start button and look at the text running up the left side of the start menu. If you see a bright blue highlight behind the white text that says "Windows 98" or "Windows Millennnium" then you have the "Chubby" Windows 98 Explorer desktop.


If you have the 98lite SLEEK or MICRO Windows95 explorer desktop...

HINT: If the Explorer ABOUT dialog says copyright 1981-1996 and your start menu logo is a uniform dark blue or grey then you have used 98lite to install the "Sleek" Windows 95 desktop installed.


After downloading a new version of 98lite it is always a good idea to run the 98lite Take Control feature to rebuild your list of optional features. If you are experiencing any troubles you should also use the Shell-Swap feature to re-install whatever shell variant you are using now. This just ensures that your desktop is set up properly and has the added benefit of repairing any damage that has occurred to the registry settings that control the desktop environment. If everything is working great just use the patches above.

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