LitePC Language modules for 98lite Professional and Preview software to customize and tweak Windows for performance and embedded computers. 98lite enhances Windows 98 and Windows Me.
Get ChineseTraditional Language Module Text

Last edited July 15, 2005 3:32 am by


##################### START XPLITE LANGUAGE MODULE ##################### 
#  This file is a language module for LitePC Technologies XPLite and 2000lite
#  ======
#  1) Copy the text between the START and END markers and Paste into a UTF-8
#     encoded text file.
#  2) Rename the text file to the following syntax:
#                  lite_<CountryCode>.utf8
#           examples: lite_de.utf8, lite_tw.utf8
#  3) Place your new Language Module in the same folder with XPlite.exe or
#     2000lite.exe
# ====================
#  1) Use the link below to "Edit the text of this page" to begin editing.
#  2) All ocurrences of "%s" represent substitutions of other strings
#     (program name, carriage returns). You cant remove any %s from a string
#     though you can change their position
#  3) There must be NO spaces around the = signs
#  4) Please leave commented lines in place for reference.
#  5) When finished - remove the NOT in the category at the bottom to indicate
#     the translation is finished and it will be indexed and placed into the
#     next distribution.
#  =========
#  If the pages get vandalised the history features should allow them to be
#  repaired.  If this sytem gets horribly abused we'll forget it and just make
#  the text files available for download - which would be a shame.
#  This translation was put together by:
#  TsungChe Wu - Visit my web page or contact me: sjackwu at yahoo dot com
#  Me Too - Visit my web page or contact me here
#  Any other Comments:
##     Start Tab

#sStart='  &Start  '
sStart='  開始(&S)  '


#sNextHint='Next -> Windows File Protection'
sNextHint='下一步 -> Windows File Protection'


#sWhatsThis='What''s this?'




#slblNext='Please confirm your Operating System and version is correctly displayed above.'

#sLicenseSingle='Single User License'

#sLicenseMulti='%s User License'
sLicenseMulti='授權 %s 名使用者'

#sMultiUserLicense='Multi-User Licenses'

##     WFP Tab

#stabWFP='  &Windows File Protection  '
stabWFP='  &Windows File Protection  '

#sbtnHelpHint='Help.  Two clicks opens help.'
sbtnHelpHint='說明.  按兩下滑鼠可開啟說明'


#sgrpWFPStatus='WFP Status'
sgrpWFPStatus='WFP Status'

#spnlAdvanced='Ad&vanced Settings'


#slblWFPis='Windows File%sProtection is'
slblWFPis='Windows File%sProtection is'





#sWFPONStatusTip='You must turn off Windows file protection before you can add or remove %s components.'
sWFPONStatusTip='在你新增或移除 %s 元件前,你必須將 Windows file protection 關閉.'

#sWFPOFFStatusTip='Windows file protection has been disabled and you can now add or remove %s components.'
sWFPOFFStatusTip='Windows file protection 已經關閉,你可以新增或移除 %s 元件.'

#sgrpScan='Scan for missing or modified files'

#schkScanBoot='S&can on bootup'
schkScanBoot='Windows 啟動時執行掃瞄(&C)'

#sNextBoot='Next boot only'
sNextBoot='只在下一次 Windows 啟動時執行'

#sEveryBoot='Every boot'
sEveryBoot='每次啟動  Windows 時'

#schkProgress='Show &Progress Dialog'

#slblScanDisabled='You can not scan for missing or modified system files when Windows File Protection is disabled.'
slblScanDisabled='當停用 Windows File Protection 時,你不能掃瞄遺失或掃瞄的系統檔案.'

#sgrpCache='&File cache Settings'

#slblDefaultCache='&Default Cache Settings'

#slblCache='Ma&ximum cache size (% of Disk)'

#slblDllCacheFolder='DllCache Folder'
slblDllCacheFolder='DllCache 資料夾'


#sbtnScanNow='&Scan Now'

#simgWFPGreen='Windows File Protection has been disabled'
simgWFPGreen='已經停用 Windows File Protection '

#simgWFPRed='Windows File Protection is Active'
simgWFPRed='啟用 Windows File Protection'

#btnWFPNextHint='Next -> Add/Remove components'
btnWFPNextHint='下一步 -> 新增/移除 元件'

#btnWFPApplyHint='Save Cache settings to the registry'

##     Add/remove Tab

#stabAddRemove='  Add/&Remove Components  '
stabAddRemove='  新增/移除 元件(&R)  '


#sTrialTip='Professional only - not available in Free Trial.'
sTrialTip='Professional only - not available in Free Trial.'

#sCollapseHint='Collapse Tree'
sCollapseHint='Collapse 目錄'

#sExpandHint='Show All'

#sForceRemovalHint='Force Re-removal.  Hold Ctrl to Force All'
sForceRemovalHint='強制重新移除.  按住 Ctrl 鍵可移除所有的項目'

#slblNoOptions='No Optional Windows Components Found'
slblNoOptions='找不到選擇性的 Windows 元件'

#slblWFPActive='Not available when WFP is active'
slblWFPActive='當啟用 WPF 時這個項目無法使用'


#sbtnAddRemoveHint='Add/Remove Windows Components'
sbtnAddRemoveHint='新增/移除 Windows 元件'

#sStats='%s Components.%s%s Installed.'
sStats='%s 個元件.已安裝 %s%s 個元件.'

#sMenuLoad='Load Profile'
sMenuLoad='載入 Profile'

#sMenuSave='&Save Profile'
sMenuSave='儲存 Profile (&S)'

#sMenuDelete='&Delete Profile'
sMenuDelete='刪除 Profile (&D)'

#sbtnLoadSaveHint='Load and Save Configuration Profiles'
sbtnLoadSaveHint='載入/儲存設定 Profiles'

#sBuildTree='Getting Optional Components'

#sSystemRestore='Setting System Restore Point'

#sWarnSystemRestore='Warn if System Restore Point can not be set'

#sWarnSystemRestoreMsg='A System Restore point could not be saved.  Check the Advanced Windows Management Instrumentation is installed and System Restore is active.  Do you want to continue to re-configure %s?'
sWarnSystemRestoreMsg='系統還原點無法儲存.請確認 Advanced Windows Management Instrumentation 已經安裝並且系統還原功能已經啟動. 你要繼續設定 %s 嗎?'

#sShowProComponents='Show Professional Options'

#sHideProComponents='Hide Professional Options'


#sWBEMWarning1='Removing the %s Advanced feature - Windows Management Instrumentation will disable %s System Restore.  Your restore points are saved, but your will have to reinstall Windows Management Instrumentation to use them.'
sWBEMWarning1='正在移除進階功能 %s  - Windows Management Instrumentation 將會停用系統還原功能.  你的系統還原點已經儲存, 但是你需要重新安裝 Windows Management Instrumentation 以使用系統還原功能.'

#sWBEMWarning2='Do you want to continue without the ability to set new Restore Points?'
sWBEMWarning2='你要繼續嗎? (你將無法設定新的系統還原點)'

#sRestorePoint='Restore Point'

##     About tab

#slblLicensedTo='Licensed to: '
slblLicensedTo='授權給: '



#stabAbout='  A&bout  '
stabAbout='  關於(&B)  '

#slblCopyrightWarning='This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties.  Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of all or parts of this program may result in prosecution.'

#slblLicenseTerms='Your use of %s program signifies your full acceptance of the user license.  If you do not agree please close and uninstall %s now.'
slblLicenseTerms='使用 %s 程式代表你完全接受使用者授權書.  若你不同意, 現在請關閉這個程式並將 %s 移除.'


#sTheLiteWay='With %s you can set up YOUR computer the way YOU like it! %sRemove unwanted features and remove security threats once and for all!'
sTheLiteWay='藉由 %s 你能以「你」喜歡的方式設定「你的」電腦! %s 能移除不需要的功能並將相關的安全漏洞一併解決!'

#sbtnUpgradeHint='Web-check for program updates'

#sbtnLicenseHint='View/Enter User License'

#sbtnSupportHint='User support Website'

#sBuyNow='Buy %s'
sBuyNow='購買 %s'

#sBuyNowHint='buy the fully featured %s Professional from'
sBuyNowHint='從 購買完整功能的 %s 專業版'


#sUninstallHint='Remove all traces of %s from this computer'
sUninstallHint='移除電腦中所有 %s 的檔案'

#sUninstallPrompt='Are you sure you want to remove all traces of %s from this computer?  Your %s components will remain as they are now but all %s registry entries and files will be deleted.  Proceed with uninstall?'
sUninstallPrompt='你確定要移除電腦中所有 %s 的檔案?  你的 %s 元件將不會被更動, 但是所有的 %s 登錄設定以及檔案將會被移除. 要繼續移除嗎?'


#sRegisterHint='Register for Support and Upgrades'

#sRegisterText1='Register with LitePC Technologies for access to technical support and software upgrades.%sYour registration code is: %s'
sRegisterText1='向 LitePC Technologies 註冊, 以接受技術支援與軟體更新. 你的註冊代碼是: %s'

#sRegisterText2='Send your registration code to LitePC technologies Pty Ltd via email to, or connect to the internet now using your web browser to complete your registration.%sWould you like to connect to using your web browser now?'
sRegisterText2='將你的註冊代碼以電子郵件送到 LitePC technologies Pty Ltd:, 或是現在上網完成註冊程序. %s 你現在要用你的瀏覽器連線到 ?'


##     Activation/Registration tab


#sRegistrationCancelHint='Close %s'
sRegistrationCancelHint='關閉 %s'

#sRegistrationNextHint='Next -> Read your %s License Agreement'
sRegistrationNextHint='下一步 -> 閱讀你的 %s 授權同意書'

#sLicenseName='Your Name'

#sLicenseNumber='License Number'

#sLicenseNoUsers='No. Users'
sLicenseNoUsers='No. Users'

#sActivationKeyCode='Activation Key Code'
sActivationKeyCode='啟動 Key Code'

#sRegistrationCode='Registration Code'


#sWrongLicense='Sorry, your licensing information for %s is not correct.  Please try again.'
sWrongLicense='抱歉, 你的 %s 授權資料不正確.  請再試一次.'


#sAsEmail='Details should appears as they do in your license email.'
sAsEmail='詳細資料應該在你的授權 email 中出現.'

#sLicenseOnCDROM='Your registration code is printed on your %s CDROM or on documentation supplied by your equipment supplier'
sLicenseOnCDROM='你的註冊代碼會印在你的 %s CD 上或是你的硬體供應商所提供的文件上'

#sHaveActivation='Click if you have a separate a License and Activation Code'

#sHaveRegistration='Click if you have a single Registration Number'

##     License tab

#sLicenseAgreement='License Agreement'


#sRejectHint='Reject the license and close'


#sAcceptHint='Accept the license and contine using %s'
sAcceptHint='接受這份同意書,並繼續使用 %s'

#sRejectDialog='You have rejected the %s end user license agreement.%s%s will now close and erase any %s license information, user preference settings and log files that may have been stored on your system.'
sRejectDialog='你已經拒絕 %s 使用者授權同意書. %s%s 現在將會關閉並刪除任何 %s 在電腦中的授權資訊使用者偏好設定以及記錄檔.'

##     Preferences tab

#sPreferences='%s Preferences'
sPreferences='%s 設定'


#sGrpSource='Installation source locations'

#sSourcePath='Path to %s source files'
sSourcePath='%s 來源檔案路徑'

#sSource='%s Source'
sSource='%s 來源'

#sServicePack='Service Pack'
sServicePack='Service Pack'

#sBrowseSource='Select the path to your %s installation files.  Typically on your %s CDROM.'
sBrowseSource='選擇你的 %s 安裝程式的路徑,  通常是你的 %s 光碟.'

#sBrowseSPSource='Select the path to your %s installation files.  Some Service Packs are on the %s CDROM.'
sBrowseSPSource='選擇你的 %s 安裝程式的路徑,  有些 Service Packs 會在 %s 光碟裡.'

#sPrefsApplyHint='Save Preferences'

#sPrefsOKHint='Close preferences and return to %s'
sPrefsOKHint='關閉設定並且回到 %s'

#sbtnBrowseHint='Locate your source file folder'

#sShowAdvanced='Show Advanced Components in Add/Remove'

#sDisableToolTips='Disable %s Tool Tips'
sDisableToolTips='停用 %s 工具提示'


#sWelcomeHint='Welcome and Tips for New Users'

##     Log tab


#sLogging='&Enable Log'

#sMaxLogLimit='Max Log Size'


#sLogCopyHint='Copy log to the Windows clipboard'
sLogCopyHint='將記錄檔複製到 Windows 剪貼簿'


#sLogClearHint='Erase the log'

#sLogOKHint='Close log and return to %s'
sLogOKHint='關閉記錄檔並回到 %s'


##        Application Strings

##     Windows Versions

#sOS2000='Windows 2000'
sOS2000='Windows 2000'

#sOS2003='Windows 2003'
sOS2003='Windows 2003'

#sOSXP='Windows XP'
sOSXP='Windows XP'

#sOSOrig='First Release'



#sOSvHome='Home Edition'



#sOSvAdvanceServer='Advanced Server'
sOSvAdvanceServer='Advanced Server'

#sOSvDataCenter='Datacenter Server'
sOSvDataCenter='Datacenter Server'

#sOSvStdEd='Standard Edition'

#sOSvDataCenterEd='Datacenter Edition'
sOSvDataCenterEd='Datacenter Edition'

#sOSvEnterpriseEd='Enterprise Edition'

#sOSvWebEd='Web Edition'
sOSvWebEd='Web Edition'

##     Program Startup

#sTrialExpired='This %s trial has expired.%sPlease visit to purchase the retail %s program or download an updated trial package.'
sTrialExpired='%s 試用版已經過期. %s 請瀏覽 購買 %s 正式版或是下載更新的試用版.'

#sBetaExpired='This %s beta has expired.%sPlease visit to purchase the retail %s program or download an updated beta package.'
sBetaExpired='%s beta 測試版已經過期. %s 請瀏覽 購買 %s 正式版或是下載更新的 beta 測試版.'

#sNoMultipleUsers='Another user on this machine is already running %s.  Only one user may run %s at any one time because the %s customizations apply to the entire system and not to individual user accounts.'
sNoMultipleUsers='這台電腦上已經有另一位使用者正在執行 %s.  一次只能以一個使用者執行 %s, 因為 %s 的設定會影響整個系統, 而不只是個別的使用者帳號而已.'

#sSwitchUsers='%s: Switch Users'
sSwitchUsers='%s: 切換使用者'

#sNeedsAdminUserRights='Sorry, but %s can only be run by a user with Administrator Privelages.%sPlease log in as an Administrator or ask your system Administrator to run %s for you.'
sNeedsAdminUserRights='抱歉, 你必須擁有管理員權限才能執行 %s. %s 請以管理員登入, 或是要求系統管理員執行 %s.'

#sInternalError='%s has encountered an error and has stopped.  If this continues please contact customer support and include the session of your log file (see user preferences) that contains the error report to help identify your problem.'
sInternalError='%s 遇到一個錯誤,並且停止執行.  如果這個錯誤持續發生,請聯絡客服並將這段記錄檔包含在你的錯誤報告中, 便於我們找出錯誤所在.'

#sWFPSysFileError='Can not check status of %s. Can not determine state of Windows File Protection.  Assuming ACTIVE and disabling lite options.'
sWFPSysFileError='無法檢查出 %s 的狀態. 無法確認 Windows File Protection 的狀態.  程式假設 WFP 是Assuming ACTIVE and disabling lite options.'

#sWFPFileNotFound='WARNING: %s not found. If you have removed this file from your windows installation and you know Windows File Protection has been disabled then you may continue.'
sWFPFileNotFound='WARNING: %s not found. If you have removed this file from your windows installation and you know Windows File Protection has been disabled then you may continue.'

#sDoNotProceed='Do you KNOW that WFP has already been disabled on your system and the files have already been been removed?  Choose [NO] if you are not sure.'
sDoNotProceed='Do you KNOW that WFP has already been disabled on your system and the files have already been been removed?  Choose [NO] if you are not sure.'

#sOSNotCompatible1='Your operating System is not compatible with this application.  Please check for programs that are compatible with your system.'
sOSNotCompatible1='Your operating System is not compatible with this application.  Please check for programs that are compatible with your system.'

#sOSNotCompatible2='This application is only for use on the following Microsoft Windows Operating Systems: Windows 2000 Professional, Server and Advanced Server up to and including Service Pack 4 and Windows XP Home, Professional up to and including Service Pack 1.'
sOSNotCompatible2='This application is only for use on the following Microsoft Windows Operating Systems: Windows 2000 Professional, Server and Advanced Server up to and including Service Pack 4 and Windows XP Home, Professional up to and including Service Pack 1.'

#sOSCheck='Operating System Check'
sOSCheck='Operating System Check'

##     tab WFP

#sConfirmWFPDisable='Close all open applications and press OK to DISABLE Windows File Protection (WFP).  Your computer will be rebooted.%sAfter you reboot you will be able to add and remove %s components using %s.'
sConfirmWFPDisable='Close all open applications and press OK to DISABLE Windows File Protection (WFP).  Your computer will be rebooted.%sAfter you reboot you will be able to add and remove %s components using %s.'

#sConfirmWFPDisable2='After you have used %s to configure YOUR computer the way YOU would like it you can safely re-enable WFP to protect your system files from accidental changes or damage.'
sConfirmWFPDisable2='After you have used %s to configure YOUR computer the way YOU would like it you can safely re-enable WFP to protect your system files from accidental changes or damage.'

#sConfirmWFPEnable='Close all open applications and press OK to RE-ACTIVATE Windows File Protection (WFP).  Your computer will be rebooted.%sAfter you reboot you will NOT be able to add or remove %s components using %s.'
sConfirmWFPEnable='Close all open applications and press OK to RE-ACTIVATE Windows File Protection (WFP).  Your computer will be rebooted.%sAfter you reboot you will NOT be able to add or remove %s components using %s.'

#sBlockOptions='You must turn off Windows file protection before you can add or remove %s components.'
sBlockOptions='You must turn off Windows file protection before you can add or remove %s components.'

#sConfirmW2K1='Your System:%sYour operating system was detected as Windows 2000 *pre* Service pack 2.  Please confirm that this is an original release Windows 2000 or Service Pack 1 installation and that NO service packs released after SP1 have been installed.'
sConfirmW2K1='Your System:%sYour operating system was detected as Windows 2000 *pre* Service pack 2.  Please confirm that this is an original release Windows 2000 or Service Pack 1 installation and that NO service packs released after SP1 have been installed.'

#sConfirmW2K2='Failure to answer this question correctly could damage your system.%sIf you do not know please answer NO and install Service Pack 2 or later before running this program again.%sIs this Windows 2000 original or Service Pack 1?'
sConfirmW2K2='Failure to answer this question correctly could damage your system.%sIf you do not know please answer NO and install Service Pack 2 or later before running this program again.%sIs this Windows 2000 original or Service Pack 1?'

#sLockedSFCDll='%s has successfully unlocked the Windows File Protection system files and must now reboot your machine to complete the installation.  %s will store a backup of the scan engine file to avoid this inconvenience in the future.'
sLockedSFCDll='%s has successfully unlocked the Windows File Protection system files and must now reboot your machine to complete the installation.  %s will store a backup of the scan engine file to avoid this inconvenience in the future.'



#sScanNow='%s can initiate a Windows File Protection system scan to look for missing or damaged system files.%sNew optional %s components created by %s that have been uninstalled will be safely ignored.  Only the remaining system files are checked and protected.'
sScanNow='%s can initiate a Windows File Protection system scan to look for missing or damaged system files.%sNew optional %s components created by %s that have been uninstalled will be safely ignored.  Only the remaining system files are checked and protected.'

#sConfirmCacheDir='Are you sure you want to change the Windows DllCache to %s?'
sConfirmCacheDir='Are you sure you want to change the Windows DllCache to %s?'

##     tab Add/Remove

#sPrerequisites='%s is required by the following %s components:'
sPrerequisites='%s is required by the following %s components:'

#sNeeds='%s requires the following components that are currently not installed:'
sNeeds='%s requires the following components that are currently not installed:'

#sConfirmNeeds='Do you want to install %s and the components it requires?'
sConfirmNeeds='Do you want to install %s and the components it requires?'

#sConfirmPrerequisites='Do you want to uninstall ALL of these components?'
sConfirmPrerequisites='Do you want to uninstall ALL of these components?'

#sConfirmForcePrerequisites='Do you want to FORCE the uninstall of ALL of these components regardless of the installation status indicated by %s?'
sConfirmForcePrerequisites='Do you want to FORCE the uninstall of ALL of these components regardless of the installation status indicated by %s?'

#sSetupComplete='%s setup is complete.  If you deleted files the space will not be recovered until you next reboot.  This allows %s to perform a custom boot into the "Last Known Good Configuration" and recover the files if needed.'
sSetupComplete='%s setup is complete.  If you deleted files the space will not be recovered until you next reboot.  This allows %s to perform a custom boot into the "Last Known Good Configuration" and recover the files if needed.'

#sSysocmgrRunning='The %s component manager is already performing a setup task on this machine.  Please wait a few moments and try again.  If the %s component manager appears to be in a locked state you should reboot your machine and then run %s again.'
sSysocmgrRunning='The %s component manager is already performing a setup task on this machine.  Please wait a few moments and try again.  If the %s component manager appears to be in a locked state you should reboot your machine and then run %s again.'

#sAdvHidden='Adv. Options are Hidden'
sAdvHidden='Adv. Options are Hidden'

##     Error


#sInternal0='Internal Error'
sInternal0='Internal Error'

#sInternal1='Target and Source data differ in length'
sInternal1='Target and Source data differ in length'

#sInternal2='%s could not disable the Windows File Protection system because the scan engine was in use.  You will need to boot into safe mode to disable Windows File Protection. %s will store a backup of the scan engine file to avoid this inconvenience in the future.'
sInternal2='%s could not disable the Windows File Protection system because the scan engine was in use.  You will need to boot into safe mode to disable Windows File Protection. %s will store a backup of the scan engine file to avoid this inconvenience in the future.'

#sInternal3='File copied failed.  Is your hard disk full?  Could not make the temporary patch file '
sInternal3='File copied failed.  Is your hard disk full?  Could not make the temporary patch file '

#sInternal4='Could not replace system file'
sInternal4='Could not replace system file'

#sInternal5='Patch failed. '
sInternal5='Patch failed. '

#sInternal6='Invalid operating system.'
sInternal6='Invalid operating system.'

#sInternal7='Could not restore'
sInternal7='Could not restore'

#sInternal8='Failed to enumerate options'
sInternal8='Failed to enumerate options'

#sInternal9='Can not create folder for temporary files'
sInternal9='Can not create folder for temporary files'

#sInternal10='Invalid dependency in setup files'
sInternal10='Invalid dependency in setup files'

#sInternal11='Target file does not exist'
sInternal11='Target file does not exist'

#sInternal13='Could not disable Windows File Protection.'
sInternal13='Could not disable Windows File Protection.'

##     Check for Web updates

#sUpgradeCaption='Check for %s updates'
sUpgradeCaption='Check for %s updates'

#sUpgradeAskCheck='%s can now connect to the server to see if a more recent version of %s is available for you to download.%sDo you want to check for updates now?'
sUpgradeAskCheck='%s can now connect to the server to see if a more recent version of %s is available for you to download.%sDo you want to check for updates now?'

#sUpgradeError='Unable to get update information from the server at this time.  Please try again later.'
sUpgradeError='Unable to get update information from the server at this time.  Please try again later.'

#sUpgradeVersions='Your version of %s is %s.  The current official release version is %s.'
sUpgradeVersions='Your version of %s is %s.  The current official release version is %s.'

#sUpgradeNoNeed='Congratulations!  You have the latest version.'
sUpgradeNoNeed='Congratulations!  You have the latest version.'

#sUpgradeAsk='Would you like to log in and download the release version now?'
sUpgradeAsk='Would you like to log in and download the release version now?'

#sUpgradeLicenseVoid='Your license is not valid.'
sUpgradeLicenseVoid='Your license is not valid.'

#sUpgradeLicenseInvalid1='Sorry, but license %s is no longer valid.'
sUpgradeLicenseInvalid1='Sorry, but license %s is no longer valid.'

#sUpgradeLicenseInvalid2='Possible reasons include:%s    - You merged this license with another product license %s    - Your license was found to be circulating on the internet and was suspended. %s    - Your purchase was refunded.'
sUpgradeLicenseInvalid2='Possible reasons include:%s    - You merged this license with another product license %s    - Your license was found to be circulating on the internet and was suspended. %s    - Your purchase was refunded.'

#sUpgradeLicenseInvalid3='%s will now close.  Please contact if you believe this is in error.'
sUpgradeLicenseInvalid3='%s will now close.  Please contact if you believe this is in error.'

#sUpgradeLicenseWarez1='It looks like this is an unlicensed "warez" copy of %s that was circulated on the internet.'
sUpgradeLicenseWarez1='It looks like this is an unlicensed "warez" copy of %s that was circulated on the internet.'

#sUpgradeLicenseWarez2='Are you sure this program has not been modified?  Do you trust this copy of %s to poke around in the heart of your %s? '
sUpgradeLicenseWarez2='Are you sure this program has not been modified?  Do you trust this copy of %s to poke around in the heart of your %s? '

#sUpgradeLicenseWarez3='If you really do want "Windows YOUR way!" then please buy a license and help us to empower you.'
sUpgradeLicenseWarez3='If you really do want "Windows YOUR way!" then please buy a license and help us to empower you.'

#sUpgradeNoLogin='You can not log in to obtain upgrades at this time.'
sUpgradeNoLogin='You can not log in to obtain upgrades at this time.'

#sUpgradeRegisterFirst='You may need to register this software with to get a download license first.'
sUpgradeRegisterFirst='You may need to register this software with to get a download license first.'

##        Optional Features

##     Accessibility Options

#AccessibilityTop_DESC='Accessibility Options'
AccessibilityTop_DESC='Accessibility Options'

#AccessibilityTop_TIP='Options that help you configure your system to meet your vision, hearing, and mobility needs.'
AccessibilityTop_TIP='Options that help you configure your system to meet your vision, hearing, and mobility needs.'

#AccessCur_DESC='Accessibility Mouse Cursors'
AccessCur_DESC='Accessibility Mouse Cursors'

#AccessCur_TIP='High contrast mouse cursors themes for increased pointer visibility.'
AccessCur_TIP='High contrast mouse cursors themes for increased pointer visibility.'

#AccessOpt_DESC='Accessibility Wizard'
AccessOpt_DESC='Accessibility Wizard'

#AccessOpt_TIP='Use the Accessibility Wizard to configure your system to meet your vision, hearing, and mobility needs.'
AccessOpt_TIP='Use the Accessibility Wizard to configure your system to meet your vision, hearing, and mobility needs.'


#magnifier_infotip='Enlarges selected text and other on-screen items for easier viewing.'
magnifier_infotip='Enlarges selected text and other on-screen items for easier viewing.'


#reader_infotip='Reads on-screen text, dialog boxes, menus, and buttons aloud if speakers or a sound output device is installed.'
reader_infotip='Reads on-screen text, dialog boxes, menus, and buttons aloud if speakers or a sound output device is installed.'

#screenkeyboard='On-Screen Keyboard'
screenkeyboard='On-Screen Keyboard'

#screenkeyboard_infotip='Displays a keyboard that is controlled by a mouse or switch input device.'
screenkeyboard_infotip='Displays a keyboard that is controlled by a mouse or switch input device.'

#utilman='Utility Manager'
utilman='Utility Manager'

#utilman_infotip='Starts and configures accessibility tools from one window.'
utilman_infotip='Starts and configures accessibility tools from one window.'

##     Accessories


#AccessTop_TIP='Includes Windows accessories and enhancements for your computer.'
AccessTop_TIP='Includes Windows accessories and enhancements for your computer.'


#Calc_TIP='Enables you to perform calculations.'
Calc_TIP='Enables you to perform calculations.'

#CharMap_DESC='Character Map'
CharMap_DESC='Character Map'

#CharMap_TIP='Enables you to insert symbols and characters into documents.'
CharMap_TIP='Enables you to insert symbols and characters into documents.'

#ClipBook_DESC='Clipboard Viewer'
ClipBook_DESC='Clipboard Viewer'

#ClipBook_TIP='Enables you to view or store information in a clipbook.'
ClipBook_TIP='Enables you to view or store information in a clipbook.'

#DefaultPictures_DESC='Default My Pictures'
DefaultPictures_DESC='Default My Pictures'

#DefaultPictures_TIP='Pictures installed by default to each users My Pictures folder.'
DefaultPictures_TIP='Pictures installed by default to each users My Pictures folder.'

#Deskpaper_DESC='Desktop Bitmaps'
Deskpaper_DESC='Desktop Bitmaps'

#Deskpaper_TIP='Includes background textures and pictures for your Windows desktop.'
Deskpaper_TIP='Includes background textures and pictures for your Windows desktop.'

#DesktopWallpapers_DESC='Desktop Wallpapers'
DesktopWallpapers_DESC='Desktop Wallpapers'

#DesktopWallpapers_TIP='Desktop Wallpapers'
DesktopWallpapers_TIP='Desktop Wallpapers'

#MousePoint_DESC='Mouse Pointers'
MousePoint_DESC='Mouse Pointers'

#MousePoint_TIP='A variety of easy-to-see pointer sizes for your mouse.'
MousePoint_TIP='A variety of easy-to-see pointer sizes for your mouse.'


#MSWORDPADOPT_TIP='Editor for creating short memos and documents'
MSWORDPADOPT_TIP='Editor for creating short memos and documents'


#Paint_TIP='Enables you to create, modify, or view pictures.'
Paint_TIP='Enables you to create, modify, or view pictures.'

#SSOpenGL_DESC='Screen Savers - OpenGL '
SSOpenGL_DESC='Screen Savers - OpenGL '

#SSOpenGL_TIP='3 dimensional screen savers.'
SSOpenGL_TIP='3 dimensional screen savers.'

#SSStandard_DESC='Screen Savers - Standard '
SSStandard_DESC='Screen Savers - Standard '

#SSStandard_TIP='Basic screen savers.'
SSStandard_TIP='Basic screen savers.'

#Templates_DESC='Document Templates'
Templates_DESC='Document Templates'

#Templates_TIP='Allows you to easily create new documents for your most common programs.'
Templates_TIP='Allows you to easily create new documents for your most common programs.'

##     Advanced Components

#AdvancedTop_DESC='-< Advanced Components >-'
AdvancedTop_DESC='-< Advanced Components >-'

#AdvancedTop_TIP='Core Windows features that other system services and components depend on.  All of these features should be installed if you encounter any compatibility issues.'
AdvancedTop_TIP='Core Windows features that other system services and components depend on.  All of these features should be installed if you encounter any compatibility issues.'

#ActDirS_DESC='Active Directory Services'
ActDirS_DESC='Active Directory Services'

#ActDirS_TIP=' Active Directory provides secure, structured, hierarchical storage of information about objects in an enterprise network.'
ActDirS_TIP=' Active Directory provides secure, structured, hierarchical storage of information about objects in an enterprise network.'


#COM_TIP='Provides support for developing and deploying distributed, component-based applications.'
COM_TIP='Provides support for developing and deploying distributed, component-based applications.'

#IAS_DESC='Internet Authentication Service'
IAS_DESC='Internet Authentication Service'

#IAS_TIP='IAS performs centralized connection authentication, authorization, and accounting for dial-up and virtual private network (VPN) remote access and for router-to-router connections.'
IAS_TIP='IAS performs centralized connection authentication, authorization, and accounting for dial-up and virtual private network (VPN) remote access and for router-to-router connections.'

#MDAC_DESC='MS Data Access Components (MDAC)'
MDAC_DESC='MS Data Access Components (MDAC)'

#MDAC_TIP='Database technologies MSDAC, OLEDB, ADO, MSDAC, DAO, SOAP.'
MDAC_TIP='Database technologies MSDAC, OLEDB, ADO, MSDAC, DAO, SOAP.'

#MSMQs_DESC='Microsoft Message Queuing'
MSMQs_DESC='Microsoft Message Queuing'

#MSMQs_TIP='Enables MSMQ enabled applications running at different times to communicate across heterogeneous networks and systems that may be temporarily offline. Applications send messages to queues and read messages from queues.'
MSMQs_TIP='Enables MSMQ enabled applications running at different times to communicate across heterogeneous networks and systems that may be temporarily offline. Applications send messages to queues and read messages from queues.'

#MSNetTop_DESC='MS Networking Services'
MSNetTop_DESC='MS Networking Services'

#MSNetTop_TIP='Microsoft Networking Client Services.'
MSNetTop_TIP='Microsoft Networking Client Services.'

#RAS_DESC='Remote Access Dial-Up Support'
RAS_DESC='Remote Access Dial-Up Support'

#RAS_TIP='Core support for Remote Access dial-Up network connections.  Dial-up manager, phone Book and PPP networking support.'
RAS_TIP='Core support for Remote Access dial-Up network connections.  Dial-up manager, phone Book and PPP networking support.'

#RRAS_DESC='Routing and Remote Access Support'
RRAS_DESC='Routing and Remote Access Support'

#RRAS_TIP='Routing and Remote Access includes network routing services, IP filtering, network address translation (nat), IP tunnelling, IP forwarding, connection sharing.'
RRAS_TIP='Routing and Remote Access includes network routing services, IP filtering, network address translation (nat), IP tunnelling, IP forwarding, connection sharing.'

#SENS_DESC='System Event Notification'
SENS_DESC='System Event Notification'

#SENS_TIP='Tracks system events such as Windows logon, network, and power events.  Notifies COM+ Event System subscribers of these events.'
SENS_TIP='Tracks system events such as Windows logon, network, and power events.  Notifies COM+ Event System subscribers of these events.'

#SystemRestore_DESC='System Restore'
SystemRestore_DESC='System Restore'

#SystemRestore_TIP='System Restore monitors changes to your system allowing you to roll-back to previous configurations.'
SystemRestore_TIP='System Restore monitors changes to your system allowing you to roll-back to previous configurations.'

#TS_DISPLAY_NAME='Terminal Services'
TS_DISPLAY_NAME='Terminal Services'

#TS_SERVICE_DESC='Allows multiple users to be connected interactively to a machine as well as the display of desktops and applications to remote computers. The underpinning of Remote Desktop (including RD for Administrators), Fast User Switching, Remote Assistance, and Terminal Server.'
TS_SERVICE_DESC='Allows multiple users to be connected interactively to a machine as well as the display of desktops and applications to remote computers. The underpinning of Remote Desktop (including RD for Administrators), Fast User Switching, Remote Assistance, and Terminal Server.'

#WBEM_DESC='Windows Management Instrumentation'
WBEM_DESC='Windows Management Instrumentation'

#WBEM_TIP='Provides a common interface and object model to access management information about operating system, devices, applications and services.'
WBEM_TIP='Provides a common interface and object model to access management information about operating system, devices, applications and services.'

#Alerter_Desc='Notifies selected users and computers of administrative alerts. If the service is stopped, programs that use administrative alerts will not receive them.'
Alerter_Desc='Notifies selected users and computers of administrative alerts. If the service is stopped, programs that use administrative alerts will not receive them.'


#Browser_Desc='Maintains an updated list of computers on the network and supplies this list to computers designated as browsers.'
Browser_Desc='Maintains an updated list of computers on the network and supplies this list to computers designated as browsers.'

#Browser_Display='Computer Browser'
Browser_Display='Computer Browser'

#LanmanWorkstation_Desc='Creates and maintains client network connections to remote servers.'
LanmanWorkstation_Desc='Creates and maintains client network connections to remote servers.'


#Messenger_Desc='Transmits net send and Alerter service messages between clients and servers. This service is not related to Windows Messenger.'
Messenger_Desc='Transmits net send and Alerter service messages between clients and servers. This service is not related to Windows Messenger.'


#NetLogon_Desc='Supports pass-through authentication of account logon events for computers in a domain.'
NetLogon_Desc='Supports pass-through authentication of account logon events for computers in a domain.'

#NetLogon_Display='Net Logon'
NetLogon_Display='Net Logon'

#NtLmSsp_Desc='Provides security to remote procedure call (RPC) programs that use transports other than named pipes.'
NtLmSsp_Desc='Provides security to remote procedure call (RPC) programs that use transports other than named pipes.'

#NtLmSsp_Display='NT LM Security Support Provider'
NtLmSsp_Display='NT LM Security Support Provider'

#Rdbss_Desc='Microsoft Network Redirector'
Rdbss_Desc='Microsoft Network Redirector'

#Rdbss_Desc='Microsoft Network Redirector'
Rdbss_Desc='Microsoft Network Redirector'

#Rdr_Desc='Server Message Block Mini Redirector.'
Rdr_Desc='Server Message Block Mini Redirector.'

#Rdr_Display='SMB Mini Redirector'
Rdr_Display='SMB Mini Redirector'

#RpcLocator_Desc='Manages the RPC name service database.'
RpcLocator_Desc='Manages the RPC name service database.'

#RpcLocator_Display='Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator'
RpcLocator_Display='Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator'

##     Communications

#CommTop_DESC='Communication and Messaging'
CommTop_DESC='Communication and Messaging'

#CommTop_TIP='Utilities for communicating with other people by email, internet messaging, video, phone and fax'
CommTop_TIP='Utilities for communicating with other people by email, internet messaging, video, phone and fax'


#Chat_TIP='Allows you to converse with other Windows users over a network.'
Chat_TIP='Allows you to converse with other Windows users over a network.'

#Dialer_DESC='Phone Dialer'
Dialer_DESC='Phone Dialer'

#Dialer_TIP='Enables you to use your computer to dial a phone through a modem.'
Dialer_TIP='Enables you to use your computer to dial a phone through a modem.'

#fax_DESC='Fax Service'
fax_DESC='Fax Service'

#fax_TIP='Allows the sending and receiving of faxes'
fax_TIP='Allows the sending and receiving of faxes'


#Hypertrm_TIP='Enables you to connect to other computers and online services (requires a modem).'
Hypertrm_TIP='Enables you to connect to other computers and online services (requires a modem).'

#MSGR_OPTION_TIP='Helps you stay in touch with people you know on the Internet.  You can see if people you know are on the Internet when you are and exchange instant messages with them.'
MSGR_OPTION_TIP='Helps you stay in touch with people you know on the Internet.  You can see if people you know are on the Internet when you are and exchange instant messages with them.'

#MSMSGSXP_NAME='Windows Messenger'
MSMSGSXP_NAME='Windows Messenger'

#msoe_DESC='Microsoft Outlook Express'
msoe_DESC='Microsoft Outlook Express'

#msoe_TIP='Microsoft Email client and news reader.'
msoe_TIP='Microsoft Email client and news reader.'

#msoeStationery_DESC='Microsoft Outlook Express Stationery'
msoeStationery_DESC='Microsoft Outlook Express Stationery'

#msoeStationery_TIP='Custom backgrounds and pictures for sending rich text email.'
msoeStationery_TIP='Custom backgrounds and pictures for sending rich text email.'

#NETMTG_INFO_TIP='Establishes communication with others over the internet or an intranet using voice, video, application sharing, and data conferencing'
NETMTG_INFO_TIP='Establishes communication with others over the internet or an intranet using voice, video, application sharing, and data conferencing'


#STR_WAB='Address Book'
STR_WAB='Address Book'

#STR_WAB_SM_TIP='Manages your contacts and finds people and businesses using directory services.'
STR_WAB_SM_TIP='Manages your contacts and finds people and businesses using directory services.'

#USR_DESC='USR/3Com Modem drivers'
USR_DESC='USR/3Com Modem drivers'

#USR_TIP='Default USR/3Com Modem drivers that are installed automatically as part of the Windows setup'
USR_TIP='Default USR/3Com Modem drivers that are installed automatically as part of the Windows setup'

#WZCSVC_Desc='Wireless Zero Configuration'
WZCSVC_Desc='Wireless Zero Configuration'

#WZCSVC_Tip='Provides automatic configuration for the 802.11 adapters'
WZCSVC_Tip='Provides automatic configuration for the 802.11 adapters'


#COM_TIP='Provides support for developing and deploying distributed, component-based applications.'
COM_TIP='Provides support for developing and deploying distributed, component-based applications.'

#DTC_DESC='Distributed Transaction Coordinator'
DTC_DESC='Distributed Transaction Coordinator'

#DTC_TIP='Coordinates distributed transactions betweeen multiple clients, servers, and resource managers.'
DTC_TIP='Coordinates distributed transactions betweeen multiple clients, servers, and resource managers.'

#ES_DESC='COM+ Event System'
ES_DESC='COM+ Event System'

#ES_TIP='Supports System Event Notification Service (SENS), which provides automatic distribution of events to subscribing Component Object Model (COM) components.'
ES_TIP='Supports System Event Notification Service (SENS), which provides automatic distribution of events to subscribing Component Object Model (COM) components.'

##     Server Options

#ServerTop_DESC='Server Components'
ServerTop_DESC='Server Components'

#ServerTop_TIP='Features and components typically associated with Server use rather than workstation use.'
ServerTop_TIP='Features and components typically associated with Server use rather than workstation use.'

#FreeTextSearch_DESC='Indexing Service language resources'
FreeTextSearch_DESC='Indexing Service language resources'

#FreeTextSearch_TIP='Language resources for indexing service SQL Free Text Search (FTS) engine.'
FreeTextSearch_TIP='Language resources for indexing service SQL Free Text Search (FTS) engine.'

#indexsrv_systemOptionDesc='Indexing Service'
indexsrv_systemOptionDesc='Indexing Service'

#indexsrv_systemTip='Locates, indexes, and updates documents to provide fast full-text searching'
indexsrv_systemTip='Locates, indexes, and updates documents to provide fast full-text searching'

#indexsrv_language_chinese_simplifiedOptionDesc='Simplified Chinese Language'

#indexsrv_language_chinese_simplifiedTip='Installs Simplified Chinese language resources'
indexsrv_language_chinese_simplifiedTip='Installs Simplified Chinese language resources'

#indexsrv_language_chinese_traditionalOptionDesc='Traditional Chinese Language'

#indexsrv_language_chinese_traditionalTip='Installs Traditional Chinese language resources'
indexsrv_language_chinese_traditionalTip='Installs Traditional Chinese language resources'

#indexsrv_language_dutch_dutchOptionDesc='Dutch Language'
indexsrv_language_dutch_dutchOptionDesc='Dutch Language'

#indexsrv_language_dutch_dutchTip='Installs Dutch language resources'
indexsrv_language_dutch_dutchTip='Installs Dutch language resources'

#indexsrv_language_english_ukOptionDesc='UK English Language'

#indexsrv_language_english_ukTip='Installs UK English language resources'
indexsrv_language_english_ukTip='Installs UK English language resources'

#indexsrv_language_english_usOptionDesc='US English Language'

#indexsrv_language_english_usTip='Installs US English language resources'
indexsrv_language_english_usTip='Installs US English language resources'

#indexsrv_language_french_frenchOptionDesc='French Language'

#indexsrv_language_french_frenchTip='Installs French language resources'
indexsrv_language_french_frenchTip='Installs French language resources'

#indexsrv_language_german_germanOptionDesc='German Language'

#indexsrv_language_german_germanTip='Installs German language resources'
indexsrv_language_german_germanTip='Installs German language resources'

#indexsrv_language_italian_italianOptionDesc='Italian Language'

#indexsrv_language_italian_italianTip='Installs Italian language resources'
indexsrv_language_italian_italianTip='Installs Italian language resources'

#indexsrv_language_japanese_defaultOptionDesc='Japanese Language'

#indexsrv_language_japanese_defaultTip='Installs Japanese language resources'
indexsrv_language_japanese_defaultTip='Installs Japanese language resources'

#indexsrv_language_korean_defaultOptionDesc='Korean Language'

#indexsrv_language_korean_defaultTip='Installs Korean language resources'
indexsrv_language_korean_defaultTip='Installs Korean language resources'

#indexsrv_language_spanish_modernOptionDesc='Spanish Modern Language'

#indexsrv_language_spanish_modernTip='Installs Spanish Modern language resources'
indexsrv_language_spanish_modernTip='Installs Spanish Modern language resources'

#indexsrv_language_swedish_defaultOptionDesc='Swedish Language'

#indexsrv_language_swedish_defaultTip='Installs Swedish language resources'
indexsrv_language_swedish_defaultTip='Installs Swedish language resources'

#Thai_default_DESC='Thai Language'

#Thai_default_TIP='Thai Default resources for SQL Free Text Search (FTS) cache and index files'
Thai_default_TIP='Thai Default resources for SQL Free Text Search (FTS) cache and index files'

##     Games


#Freecell_TIP='Logic puzzle in the form of a card game'
Freecell_TIP='Logic puzzle in the form of a card game'


#Games_TIP='Includes Freecell, Hearts, Minesweeper, Pinball, Solitaire, and Spider Solitaire games.'
Games_TIP='Includes Freecell, Hearts, Minesweeper, Pinball, Solitaire, and Spider Solitaire games.'


#Hearts_TIP='Card game'


#Minesweeper_TIP='Strategy game'


#PINBALL_TIP='3-D arcade pinball game.'
PINBALL_TIP='3-D arcade pinball game.'


#Solitaire_TIP='Card game'

#Spider_DESC='Spider Solitaire'
Spider_DESC='Spider Solitaire'

#Spider_TIP='Card game'

#zonegames_desc='Internet Games'
zonegames_desc='Internet Games'

#zonegames_tip='Multiplayer Spades, Backgammon, Hearts, Checkers, and Reversi'
zonegames_tip='Multiplayer Spades, Backgammon, Hearts, Checkers, and Reversi'

##     Internet Options

#InternetTop_DESC='Internet Utilities'
InternetTop_DESC='Internet Utilities'

#InternetTop_TIP='System components and utilities that interface with the Internet for browsing the web, communication, and downloading updates.'
InternetTop_TIP='System components and utilities that interface with the Internet for browsing the web, communication, and downloading updates.'

#AU_DESC='Windows Automatic Updates'
AU_DESC='Windows Automatic Updates'

#AU_TIP='Use Automatic Updates to search for updates and automatically download them in the background.'
AU_TIP='Use Automatic Updates to search for updates and automatically download them in the background.'

#CM_DESC='Connection Manager'
CM_DESC='Connection Manager'

#CM_TIP='Manage multiple dial-up networking connections'
CM_TIP='Manage multiple dial-up networking connections'


#Flash_DESC='Macromedia Shockwave Flash'
Flash_DESC='Macromedia Shockwave Flash'

#Flash_TIP='Macromedia Shockwave Flash plugin for Internet Explorer'
Flash_TIP='Macromedia Shockwave Flash plugin for Internet Explorer'

#ICWTOOLTIP='Sets up your computer to access the Internet'
ICWTOOLTIP='Sets up your computer to access the Internet'

#IE_TIP='Microsoft Internet Explorer Web Browser'
IE_TIP='Microsoft Internet Explorer Web Browser'

#INFOTIP='Explore the web, read your e-mail, talk to your online contacts, enjoy online music and video, and more.'
INFOTIP='Explore the web, read your e-mail, talk to your online contacts, enjoy online music and video, and more.'

#Java_DESC='Java Virtual Machine'
Java_DESC='Java Virtual Machine'

#Java_TIP='Microsoft Java Virtual Machine runs Java programs and applets within Internet Explorer.'
Java_TIP='Microsoft Java Virtual Machine runs Java programs and applets within Internet Explorer.'

#MSIE4='Internet Explorer'
MSIE4='Internet Explorer'

#PGMITEM_ICW='Internet Connection Wizard'
PGMITEM_ICW='Internet Connection Wizard'

#TCPIP_DESC='TCP/IP Command line tools'
TCPIP_DESC='TCP/IP Command line tools'

#TCPIP_TIP='arp, finger, ftp, lpq, lpr, nbtstat, netstat, pathping, ping, rcp, rexec, route, rsh, tcpsvcs, tracert, tracert6, tracerpt, tftp'
TCPIP_TIP='arp, finger, ftp, lpq, lpr, nbtstat, netstat, pathping, ping, rcp, rexec, route, rsh, tcpsvcs, tracert, tracert6, tracerpt, tftp'

#WindowsUpdate_DESC='Windows Update Manager'
WindowsUpdate_DESC='Windows Update Manager'

#WindowsUpdate_TIP='Access the Widnows Update website and interactively obtain updated files and components.'
WindowsUpdate_TIP='Access the Widnows Update website and interactively obtain updated files and components.'

##     Multimedia


#MultiM_TIP='Includes programs for playing sound, animation, or video on computers with CD-ROM drives or sound cards.'
MultiM_TIP='Includes programs for playing sound, animation, or video on computers with CD-ROM drives or sound cards.'

#ATI_DESC='ATI SP1 Driver'

#ATI_TIP='ATI Video Drivers installed automatically by Windows XP Service Pack 1 regardless of whether you have an ATI Video adapter installed.'
ATI_TIP='ATI Video Drivers installed automatically by Windows XP Service Pack 1 regardless of whether you have an ATI Video adapter installed.'

#AudioCodecs_DESC='Audio Decoders'
AudioCodecs_DESC='Audio Decoders'

#AudioCodecs_TIP='ACELP, ADPCM, DSP TrueSpeech, Indeo, Lernout & Hauspie,Intel G711, G723.1, H261,H263'
AudioCodecs_TIP='ACELP, ADPCM, DSP TrueSpeech, Indeo, Lernout & Hauspie,Intel G711, G723.1, H261,H263'

#CoreSounds_DESC='Default Sound Files'
CoreSounds_DESC='Default Sound Files'

#CoreSounds_TIP='Default wave and midi sound files'
CoreSounds_TIP='Default wave and midi sound files'

#DefaultMusic_DESC='Default My Music'
DefaultMusic_DESC='Default My Music'

#DefaultMusic_TIP='Music clips instaled by default to each users My Music folder.'
DefaultMusic_TIP='Music clips instaled by default to each users My Music folder.'

#DirectShow_DESC='DirectShow Video'
DirectShow_DESC='DirectShow Video'

#DirectShow_TIP='DirectShow/DirectMovie video component of directX used by media player'
DirectShow_TIP='DirectShow/DirectMovie video component of directX used by media player'


#DirectX_TIP='Direct3D, DirectPlay, DirectInput, DirectMusic, DirectSound'
DirectX_TIP='Direct3D, DirectPlay, DirectInput, DirectMusic, DirectSound'

#ICM_DESC='ICM Color Profiles'
ICM_DESC='ICM Color Profiles'

#ICM_TIP='Image Color Management (ICM) device profiles to convert colors into a device-independent color space to remove color bias.'
ICM_TIP='Image Color Management (ICM) device profiles to convert colors into a device-independent color space to remove color bias.'


#IMAGEVUEOPT_TIP='Image Viewer, ActiveX Custom Controls and TWAIN support'
IMAGEVUEOPT_TIP='Image Viewer, ActiveX Custom Controls and TWAIN support'

#mediautodesc='Utopia Sound Scheme'
mediautodesc='Utopia Sound Scheme'

#mediautotip='Utopia Sound Scheme files'
mediautotip='Utopia Sound Scheme files'

#MovieMk_DESC='Windows Movie Maker'
MovieMk_DESC='Windows Movie Maker'

#MovieMk_TIP='Capture and edit movies.'
MovieMk_TIP='Capture and edit movies.'

#MPlay_DESC='Media Player'
MPlay_DESC='Media Player'

#MPlay_TIP='Utility to play audio and video clips'
MPlay_TIP='Utility to play audio and video clips'

#OpenGl_DESC='OpenGL Graphics Libraries'
OpenGl_DESC='OpenGL Graphics Libraries'

#OpenGl_TIP='OpenGL is the vendor-neutral, multi-platform standard for high performance 2D/3D used by many games and 3D graphics programs.'
OpenGl_TIP='OpenGL is the vendor-neutral, multi-platform standard for high performance 2D/3D used by many games and 3D graphics programs.'

#Rec_DESC='Sound Recorder'
Rec_DESC='Sound Recorder'

#Rec_TIP='Utility to record and play sounds with a sound card'
Rec_TIP='Utility to record and play sounds with a sound card'

#VideoCodecs_DESC='Video Playback Codecs'
VideoCodecs_DESC='Video Playback Codecs'

#VideoCodecs_TIP='Default Windows video decoders to play back various encoded video files - Intel Indeo v4, v5, MS Video, MPG2, MPG4, WMV'
VideoCodecs_TIP='Default Windows video decoders to play back various encoded video files - Intel Indeo v4, v5, MS Video, MPG2, MPG4, WMV'

#Vol_DESC='Volume Control'
Vol_DESC='Volume Control'

#Vol_TIP='Utility to adjust the volume from a sound card'
Vol_TIP='Utility to adjust the volume from a sound card'

#WMPTop_DESC='Windows Media Player'
WMPTop_DESC='Windows Media Player'

#WMPTop_TIP='Old and New generation Windows Media Players and their optional accessories.'
WMPTop_TIP='Old and New generation Windows Media Players and their optional accessories.'

#WMP_DESC='Windows Media Player 7+'
WMP_DESC='Windows Media Player 7+'

#WMP_TIP='Multimedia viewer for various audio and movie formats.'
WMP_TIP='Multimedia viewer for various audio and movie formats.'

#WMP64_DESC='Windows Media Player 6.4'
WMP64_DESC='Windows Media Player 6.4'

#WMP64_TIP='The older style windows media player with a simple and clean interface that uses the the same codecs and video engine as the new Media player.'
WMP64_TIP='The older style windows media player with a simple and clean interface that uses the the same codecs and video engine as the new Media player.'

#WMPSkins_DESC='Windows Media Player Skins'
WMPSkins_DESC='Windows Media Player Skins'

#WMPSkins_TIP='Graphic Interfaces for Windows Media Player 7+.'
WMPSkins_TIP='Graphic Interfaces for Windows Media Player 7+.'

#WMPTour_DESC='Windows Media Player Tour'
WMPTour_DESC='Windows Media Player Tour'

#WMPTour_TIP='Introductory tour for windows media player.'
WMPTour_TIP='Introductory tour for windows media player.'

#XPSounds_DESC='Windows XP Sound Theme'
XPSounds_DESC='Windows XP Sound Theme'

#XPSounds_TIP='The default Windows XP theme event sound files'
XPSounds_TIP='The default Windows XP theme event sound files'

##     Operating System Components

#Agent_DESC='Microsoft Agent'
Agent_DESC='Microsoft Agent'

#Agent_TIP='Animated characters designed to enrich user integration and assist with learning how to use a computer or program.'
Agent_TIP='Animated characters designed to enrich user integration and assist with learning how to use a computer or program.'

#AppCompat_DESC='Program Compatibility Engine'
AppCompat_DESC='Program Compatibility Engine'

#AppCompat_TIP='Allows windows to modify how individual applications run to force poorly programmed or older applications to run satisfactorially under the current operating system'
AppCompat_TIP='Allows windows to modify how individual applications run to force poorly programmed or older applications to run satisfactorially under the current operating system'

#AppCompatWiz_TIP='Help Center interface for the Application Compatibility Engine which allows Windows to modify the running environment of legacy applications.'
AppCompatWiz_TIP='Help Center interface for the Application Compatibility Engine which allows Windows to modify the running environment of legacy applications.'

#compatwizard='Program Compatibility Wizard'
compatwizard='Program Compatibility Wizard'

#CoreFonts_DESC='Core Fonts'
CoreFonts_DESC='Core Fonts'

#CoreFonts_TIP='Arial, Courier, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans Unicode, Roman, Times, Verdana'
CoreFonts_TIP='Arial, Courier, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans Unicode, Roman, Times, Verdana'

#DllCache_DESC='Clear the File Protection DllCache'
DllCache_DESC='Clear the File Protection DllCache'

#DllCache_TIP='Windows file protection system files cache.  Uninstalling empties the cache folder.  Re-installing just ticks the add\remove checkbox so you can clear the cache again.  Size varies.'
DllCache_TIP='Windows file protection system files cache.  Uninstalling empties the cache folder.  Re-installing just ticks the add\remove checkbox so you can clear the cache again.  Size varies.'

#DriverCache_DESC='Driver Cache'
DriverCache_DESC='Driver Cache'

#DriverCache_TIP='Local store of hardware device drivers to eliminate the need for the CDROM when installing a known device. May require access to Service Pack files.'
DriverCache_TIP='Local store of hardware device drivers to eliminate the need for the CDROM when installing a known device. May require access to Service Pack files.'

#ExtraFonts_DESC='Extra Fonts'
ExtraFonts_DESC='Extra Fonts'

#ExtraFonts_TIP='Arial Black, Comic Sans MS, Franklin Gothic, Georgia, Impact, Palatino Linotype, Trebuchet, Wingdings and Webdings.'
ExtraFonts_TIP='Arial Black, Comic Sans MS, Franklin Gothic, Georgia, Impact, Palatino Linotype, Trebuchet, Wingdings and Webdings.'

#MSInfo32_DESC='System Information'
MSInfo32_DESC='System Information'

#MSInfo32_INFOTIP='Displays current system information.'
MSInfo32_INFOTIP='Displays current system information.'

#ODBC_DESC='ODBC Database drivers'
ODBC_DESC='ODBC Database drivers'

#ODBC_TIP='Open Database Conectivity drivers and support files'
ODBC_TIP='Open Database Conectivity drivers and support files'

#Oobe_DESC='Out of Box Experience'
Oobe_DESC='Out of Box Experience'

#Oobe_TIP='First run introduction, setup and product activation wizard.'
Oobe_TIP='First run introduction, setup and product activation wizard.'

#OScompTop_DESC='Operating System Options'
OScompTop_DESC='Operating System Options'

#OScompTop_TIP='Features and modules that expand the capabilities of the operating system.'
OScompTop_TIP='Features and modules that expand the capabilities of the operating system.'

#PCHealth_DESC='Help and Support Center'
PCHealth_DESC='Help and Support Center'

#PCHealth_TIP='Help and Support for Windows available on the Start Menu'
PCHealth_TIP='Help and Support for Windows available on the Start Menu'

#PrefetchCache_DESC='Clear the Pre-Fetch Cache'
PrefetchCache_DESC='Clear the Pre-Fetch Cache'

#PrefetchCache_TIP='Locally stored information used to optimize load times.  The cache can accumulate obsolete information. Windows will rebuild the cache automatically over time.  Reinstalling just ticks the add\remove checkbox.  Size varies.'
PrefetchCache_TIP='Locally stored information used to optimize load times.  The cache can accumulate obsolete information. Windows will rebuild the cache automatically over time.  Reinstalling just ticks the add\remove checkbox.  Size varies.'

#Sapi_DESC='Microsoft Speech API'
Sapi_DESC='Microsoft Speech API'

#Sapi_TIP='Microsoft Speech API engine (SAM)'
Sapi_TIP='Microsoft Speech API engine (SAM)'

#SearchAssistant_DESC='Search Assistant'
SearchAssistant_DESC='Search Assistant'

#SearchAssistant_Tip='Animated characters and extended dialog displayed for local file searches'
SearchAssistant_Tip='Animated characters and extended dialog displayed for local file searches'

#SPSource_DESC='Clear Service Pack Source Files'
SPSource_DESC='Clear Service Pack Source Files'

#SPSource_TIP='Delete Service Pack Source Files from the windows folder only if you have a copy stored elsewhere..  You need these files if you change your system configuration. Re-installing just ticks the add\remove checkbox.  Size varies.'
SPSource_TIP='Delete Service Pack Source Files from the windows folder only if you have a copy stored elsewhere..  You need these files if you change your system configuration. Re-installing just ticks the add\remove checkbox.  Size varies.'

#Tour_DESC='Windows Tour'
Tour_DESC='Windows Tour'

#Tour_TIP='Introductory tour of all the new wiz bang operating system features that will change your life.'
Tour_TIP='Introductory tour of all the new wiz bang operating system features that will change your life.'

#TWAIN_DESC='TWAIN Image Aquisition Drivers'
TWAIN_DESC='TWAIN Image Aquisition Drivers'

#TWAIN_TIP='Basic TWAIN image aquisition interfaces that ship with Windows.'
TWAIN_TIP='Basic TWAIN image aquisition interfaces that ship with Windows.'

#UserGraphics_DESC='User Avatars'
UserGraphics_DESC='User Avatars'

#UserGraphics_TIP='Graphic Avatars for each user displayed on the login screen and start menu.'
UserGraphics_TIP='Graphic Avatars for each user displayed on the login screen and start menu.'

##     OS Services

#BITS_DESC='Background Intelligent Transfer Service'
BITS_DESC='Background Intelligent Transfer Service'

#BITS_TIP='Transfers files in the background using idle network bandwidth.'
BITS_TIP='Transfers files in the background using idle network bandwidth.'

#ERSvc.ServiceDesc='Allows error reporting for services and applictions running in non-standard environments.'
ERSvc.ServiceDesc='Allows error reporting for services and applictions running in non-standard environments.'

#ERSvc.ServiceName='Error Reporting Service'
ERSvc.ServiceName='Error Reporting Service'

#RemoteRegistry_DESC='Remote Registry'
RemoteRegistry_DESC='Remote Registry'

#RemoteRegistry_TIP='Enables remote users to modify registry settings on this computer.'
RemoteRegistry_TIP='Enables remote users to modify registry settings on this computer.'

#ServicesTop_DESC='System Services'
ServicesTop_DESC='System Services'

#ServicesTop_TIP='System Services provide support for differnt technologies and Operating System features.  Removing services may free resources for other programs while reducing the overal feature set of Windows.'
ServicesTop_TIP='System Services provide support for differnt technologies and Operating System features.  Removing services may free resources for other programs while reducing the overal feature set of Windows.'

#SmartCard_DESC='Smart Card Services'
SmartCard_DESC='Smart Card Services'

#SmartCard_TIP='Core services and drivers to support the use of Smart Card readers on this computer'
SmartCard_TIP='Core services and drivers to support the use of Smart Card readers on this computer'

#TelnetSvr_DESC='Telnet Service'
TelnetSvr_DESC='Telnet Service'

#TelnetSvr_TIP='Enables a remote user to log on to this computer and run programs, and supports various TCP/IP Telnet clients, including UNIX-based and Windows-based computers.'
TelnetSvr_TIP='Enables a remote user to log on to this computer and run programs, and supports various TCP/IP Telnet clients, including UNIX-based and Windows-based computers.'

#UPNP_DESC='Universal Plug and Play'
UPNP_DESC='Universal Plug and Play'

#UPNP_TIP='Support to host Universal Plug and Play devices and to discover UPnP devices on your network.'
UPNP_TIP='Support to host Universal Plug and Play devices and to discover UPnP devices on your network.'

#UPSSvc_DESC='Uninterruptible Power Supply Service'
UPSSvc_DESC='Uninterruptible Power Supply Service'

#UPSSvc_TIP='Manages an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) connected to the computer.'
UPSSvc_TIP='Manages an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) connected to the computer.'

#WebClient.DisplayName='WebClient Service'
WebClient.DisplayName='WebClient Service'

#WebClient.HelpText='WebClient Sevice allows Win32 applications to access and edit documents on the Internet.'
WebClient.HelpText='WebClient Sevice allows Win32 applications to access and edit documents on the Internet.'

##     System tools

#SysToolsTop_DESC='System Tools & Utilities'
SysToolsTop_DESC='System Tools & Utilities'

#SysToolsTop_TIP='Utilities for configuring and managing your Windows environment and computer hardware.'
SysToolsTop_TIP='Utilities for configuring and managing your Windows environment and computer hardware.'

#DESC_WSH='Windows Script Host'
DESC_WSH='Windows Script Host'

#MigWiz_DESC='Migration Wizard'
MigWiz_DESC='Migration Wizard'

#MigWiz_TIP='File settings and transfer wizard used to transfer user files preferences when upgrading.'
MigWiz_TIP='File settings and transfer wizard used to transfer user files preferences when upgrading.'

#Task_DESC='Task Scheduler'
Task_DESC='Task Scheduler'

#Task_TIP='Task Scheduler is a tool that enables you to schedule tasks (such as Disk Defragmenter) to run regularly, when it's most convenient for you.'
Task_TIP='Task Scheduler is a tool that enables you to schedule tasks (such as Disk Defragmenter) to run regularly, when it's most convenient for you.'

#TIPS_WSH='Write scripts to help automate tasks in Windows'
TIPS_WSH='Write scripts to help automate tasks in Windows'

#ZipFolder_DESC='ZIP Compressed Folders'
ZipFolder_DESC='ZIP Compressed Folders'

#ZipFolder_TIP='Access .Zip files as folders in Explorer'
ZipFolder_TIP='Access .Zip files as folders in Explorer'

############### New for Version 1.3 ###############

#sWFP='Windows File Protection'
sWFP='Windows File Protection'


#sWFPOnInfo='Windows File Protection is active and protecting the %s system files on this computer.';
sWFPOnInfo='Windows File Protection is active and protecting the %s system files on this computer.';

#sWFPOffInfo='Windows File Protection has been suspended for this session. File Protection will re-activate automatically when you next reboot.';
sWFPOffInfo='Windows File Protection has been suspended for this session. File Protection will re-activate automatically when you next reboot.';

#sWFPDisabledInfo='Windows File Protection has been disabled on this computer and will remain disabled after rebooting.';
sWFPDisabledInfo='Windows File Protection has been disabled on this computer and will remain disabled after rebooting.';

#sConfWFPOn='Close all open applications and press OK to RE-ACTIVATE Windows File Protection (WFP).  Your computer will be rebooted.'
sConfWFPOn='Close all open applications and press OK to RE-ACTIVATE Windows File Protection (WFP).  Your computer will be rebooted.'

#sConfWFPDisable='Close all open applications and press OK to RE-ACTIVATE Windows File Protection (WFP).  Your computer will be rebooted.'
sConfWFPDisable='Close all open applications and press OK to RE-ACTIVATE Windows File Protection (WFP).  Your computer will be rebooted.'

#sWFPChange='Change File protection:'
sWFPChange='Change File protection:'

#sDllCacheWarning='You have selected to clear the File Protection DllCache folder.  The cache size limit can be adjusted on the Windows File Protection tab of %s. Do you want to set the minimum cache size now to prevent Windows from refilling this folder?'
sDllCacheWarning='You have selected to clear the File Protection DllCache folder.  The cache size limit can be adjusted on the Windows File Protection tab of %s. Do you want to set the minimum cache size now to prevent Windows from refilling this folder?'

#AdvServicesTop_DESC='Advanced System Services'
AdvServicesTop_DESC='Advanced System Services'

#AdvServicesTop_TIP='Core Windows Services that other system services and components depend on.  All of these features should be installed if you encounter any compatibility issues.'
AdvServicesTop_TIP='Core Windows Services that other system services and components depend on.  All of these features should be installed if you encounter any compatibility issues.'

#CustomTop_Desc='User Addons'
CustomTop_Desc='User Addons'

#CustomTop_TIP='Additional Add\Remove routines for XPlite/2000lite running from user editable custom.inf script file'
CustomTop_TIP='Additional Add\Remove routines for XPlite/2000lite running from user editable custom.inf script file'

#AppMgmt_NAME='Application Management'
AppMgmt_NAME='Application Management'

#AppMgmt_DESC='Provides software installation services such as Assign, Publish, and Remove.'
AppMgmt_DESC='Provides software installation services such as Assign, Publish, and Remove.'

#W32Time_NAME='Windows Time'
W32Time_NAME='Windows Time'

#W32Time_DESC='Maintains date and time synchronization on all clients and servers in the network. If this service is stopped, date and time synchronization will be unavailable. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.'
W32Time_DESC='Maintains date and time synchronization on all clients and servers in the network. If this service is stopped, date and time synchronization will be unavailable. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.'


#TapiSrv_DESC='Provides Telephony API (TAPI) support for programs that control telephony devices and IP based voice connections on the local computer and, through the LAN, on servers that are also running the service.'
TapiSrv_DESC='Provides Telephony API (TAPI) support for programs that control telephony devices and IP based voice connections on the local computer and, through the LAN, on servers that are also running the service.'

#SecLogonW2K_NAME='Run As Service'
SecLogonW2K_NAME='Run As Service'

#SecLogon_NAME='Secondary Logon'
SecLogon_NAME='Secondary Logon'

#SecLogon_DESC='Enables starting processes under alternate credentials. If this service is stopped, this type of logon access will be unavailable. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.'
SecLogon_DESC='Enables starting processes under alternate credentials. If this service is stopped, this type of logon access will be unavailable. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.'

#Wmi_NAME='Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions'
Wmi_NAME='Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extensions'

#Wmi_DESC='Provides systems management information to and from drivers.'
Wmi_DESC='Provides systems management information to and from drivers.'

#NetDDE_NAME='Network DDE'
NetDDE_NAME='Network DDE'

#NetDDE_DESC='Provides network transport and security for Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) for programs running on the same computer or on different computers. If this service is stopped, DDE transport and security will be unavailable. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.'
NetDDE_DESC='Provides network transport and security for Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) for programs running on the same computer or on different computers. If this service is stopped, DDE transport and security will be unavailable. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.'

#NetDDEdsdm_NAME='Network DDE DSDM'
NetDDEdsdm_NAME='Network DDE DSDM'

#NetDDEdsdm_DESC='Manages Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) network shares. If this service is stopped, DDE network shares will be unavailable. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start. '
NetDDEdsdm_DESC='Manages Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) network shares. If this service is stopped, DDE network shares will be unavailable. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start. '

#TrkWks_NAME='Distributed Link Tracking Client'
TrkWks_NAME='Distributed Link Tracking Client'

#TrkWks_DESC='Maintains links between NTFS files within a computer or across computers in a network domain.'
TrkWks_DESC='Maintains links between NTFS files within a computer or across computers in a network domain.'

#WSC_DESC='Security Center'
WSC_DESC='Security Center'

#WSC_TIP='Control panel applet to simplify access to system security settings and configurations.'
WSC_TIP='Control panel applet to simplify access to system security settings and configurations.'

#WSC_Svc_NAME='Security Center Background Service'
WSC_Svc_NAME='Security Center Background Service'

#WSC_Svc_DESC='Constantly monitors system security settings and configurations in the background and places Security Center tray icon near the clock.'
WSC_Svc_DESC='Constantly monitors system security settings and configurations in the background and places Security Center tray icon near the clock.'

#AU_svc_NAME='Automatic Updates'
AU_svc_NAME='Automatic Updates'

#AU_svc_DESC='Enables the download and installation of critical Windows updates. If the service is disabled, the operating system can be manually updated at the Windows Update Web site.'
AU_svc_DESC='Enables the download and installation of critical Windows updates. If the service is disabled, the operating system can be manually updated at the Windows Update Web site.'

#MSIServer_NAME='Windows Installer'
MSIServer_NAME='Windows Installer'

#MSIServer_DESC='Adds, modifies, and removes applications provided as a Windows Installer (*.msi) package. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.'
MSIServer_DESC='Adds, modifies, and removes applications provided as a Windows Installer (*.msi) package. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.'

#LmHosts_NAME='TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper'
LmHosts_NAME='TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper'

#LmHosts_DESC='Enables support for NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) service and NetBIOS name resolution.'
LmHosts_DESC='Enables support for NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) service and NetBIOS name resolution.'


#ClipSrvSvc_TIP='Enables ClipBook Viewer to store information and share it with remote computers. If the service is stopped, ClipBook Viewer will not be able to share information with remote computers. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.'
ClipSrvSvc_TIP='Enables ClipBook Viewer to store information and share it with remote computers. If the service is stopped, ClipBook Viewer will not be able to share information with remote computers. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.'

############### New for Version 1.5 ###############

#sValidLicense='Your license was successfully activated.'
sValidLicense='Your license was successfully activated.'

sValidateLicense1='%s was previously licensed on this machine using an illegally distributed user license.  For this reason, %s now needs to go on-line to activate your new license.'
#sValidateLicense1='%s was previously licensed on this machine using an illegally distributed user license.  For this reason, %s now needs to go on-line to activate your new license.'

#sValidateLicense2='If you have a firewall please allow %s to contact the %s web server.  Your license number %s is the only information that is transmitted.'
sValidateLicense2='If you have a firewall please allow %s to contact the %s web server.  Your license number %s is the only information that is transmitted.'

#sValidateLicense3='For help, or to activate your license off-line please contact the LitePC Technologies Support Desk. %s'
sValidateLicense3='For help, or to activate your license off-line please contact the LitePC Technologies Support Desk. %s'

#sValidateLicense4='Do you want to activate your new licence now?'
sValidateLicense4='Do you want to activate your new licence now?'

#sValidateErrorLicense='Your %s license status could not been verified at this time.  Please try again later.'
sValidateErrorLicense='Your %s license status could not been verified at this time.  Please try again later.'

#sValidateNoRemove='Previously uninstalled items can be re-installed, but you can not remove any more %s components with %s until your %s license has been validated.'
sValidateNoRemove='Previously uninstalled items can be re-installed, but you can not remove any more %s components with %s until your %s license has been validated.'

#sTrialTip='Available in %s Professional Only.'
sTrialTip='Available in %s Professional Only.'

#sMoreInfo='More Information...'
sMoreInfo='More Information...'

#sMoreInfoHint='Connect to the Web to display detailed information on the selected item.'
sMoreInfoHint='Connect to the Web to display detailed information on the selected item.'

#sMoreInfoError='Could not connect to the Web. Install a web browser and/or check your network connection.'
sMoreInfoError='Could not connect to the Web. Install a web browser and/or check your network connection.'

#sSendStateData='Send component state data when checking for upgrades'
sSendStateData='Send component state data when checking for upgrades'

#sNodeDesc='%s contains at least one component that'
sNodeDesc='%s contains at least one component that'

#sSRWarning1='Removing %s feature - %s will prevent system recovery using %s System Restore.  Your restore points are saved, but your will have to reinstall %s to use them.'
sSRWarning1='Removing %s feature - %s will prevent system recovery using %s System Restore.  Your restore points are saved, but your will have to reinstall %s to use them.'

#sSRWarning2='Do you want to continue without the ability to use System Restore until you reinstall %s?'
sSRWarning2='Do you want to continue without the ability to use System Restore until you reinstall %s?'

#RemoteAssistance='Remote Assistance'
RemoteAssistance='Remote Assistance'

#RemoteAssistance_Tip='Allow others to connect and take control of your machine to provide remote technical assistance.'
RemoteAssistance_Tip='Allow others to connect and take control of your machine to provide remote technical assistance.'

#DrWatson_DESC='Dr Watson'
DrWatson_DESC='Dr Watson'

#DrWatson_TIP='Dr. Watson is a program error troubleshooting tool that traps program faults, and generates a snapshot of the operating system that you can use to diagnose the fault.'
DrWatson_TIP='Dr. Watson is a program error troubleshooting tool that traps program faults, and generates a snapshot of the operating system that you can use to diagnose the fault.

#vbscript_DESC='VB Script'
vbscript_DESC='VB Script'

#vbscript_TIP='Visual Basic scripting support for Internet Explorer'
vbscript_TIP='Visual Basic scripting support for Internet Explorer'

#jscript_DESC='Java Script'
jscript_DESC='Java Script'

#jscript_TIP='Javascript scripting support for Internet Explorer.  Also required by some Management Console objects.'
jscript_TIP='Javascript scripting support for Internet Explorer.  Also required by some Management Console objects.'

#MSHTMLengine_DESC='IE HTML Rendering Engine'
MSHTMLengine_DESC='IE HTML Rendering Engine'

#MSHTMLengine_Tip='Core Microsoft HTML renderer that is used to display HTML content in IE and on the Windows active desktop as well as in other applications such as Outlook Express, Windows Media Player and third party browsers that are based on Internet Explorer.'
MSHTMLengine_Tip='Core Microsoft HTML renderer that is used to display HTML content in IE and on the Windows active desktop as well as in other applications such as Outlook Express, Windows Media Player and third party browsers that are based on Internet Explorer.'

#OS2_DESC='OS/2 Subsystem'
OS2_DESC='OS/2 Subsystem'

#OS2_TIP='Provides an emulated OS/2 environment that allows some OS/2 ver 1.x applications to run under Windows.'
OS2_TIP='Provides an emulated OS/2 environment that allows some OS/2 ver 1.x applications to run under Windows.'


#POSIX_TIP='Provides an emulated POSIX environment to allow some UNIX-based applications written to the POSIX international standard for portability to run under Windows.'
POSIX_TIP='Provides an emulated POSIX environment to allow some UNIX-based applications written to the POSIX international standard for portability to run under Windows.'


#Briefcase_Tip='Briefcase is used to organise and sycronise multiple files being carried between separate computers.'
Briefcase_Tip='Briefcase is used to organise and sycronise multiple files being carried between separate computers.'

############### New for Version 1.6 ###############

#SR_Service_Name='System Restore Service'
SR_Service_Name='System Restore Service'

#SR_Service_Desc='Performs system restore functions. To stop service, turn off System Restore from the System Restore tab in My Computer->Properties'
SR_Service_Desc='Performs system restore functions. To stop service, turn off System Restore from the System Restore tab in My Computer->Properties'

#SystemRestoreWarning1='You have selected to uninstall System Restore.  Previously saved restore points will be lost and you will not be able to use System Restore to restore your system to an earlier configuration.  Please ensure that you have adequate backups of your system configuration if you proceed.'
SystemRestoreWarning1='You have selected to uninstall System Restore.  Previously saved restore points will be lost and you will not be able to use System Restore to restore your system to an earlier configuration.  Please ensure that you have adequate backups of your system configuration if you proceed.'

#SystemRestoreWarning2='Do you want to continue without the ability to use System Restore to recover your system?'
SystemRestoreWarning2='Do you want to continue without the ability to use System Restore to recover your system?'

#sGetStatus='Retrieving installation status'
sGetStatus='Retrieving installation status'

sLoadProfile='Loading saved profile: %s'
sLoadProfile='Loading saved profile: %s'


#sUpgradeInterval='days between prompts for online upgrade check'
sUpgradeInterval='days between prompts for online upgrade check'


#sUninstallData='Uninstall Files for %s Updates'
sUninstallData='Uninstall Files for %s Updates'

#sUninstallData1='Locate hidden backup files and uninstall information that are used to uninstall %s updates, service packs, and security hot fixes.'
sUninstallData1='Locate hidden backup files and uninstall information that are used to uninstall %s updates, service packs, and security hot fixes.'

#sUninstallData2='For security and stability reasons most people should run %s with all the latest updates and bug fixes installed and so their uninstall data is generally not required.  If you remove the uninstall data you can only remove the updates by re-installing %s.'
sUninstallData2='For security and stability reasons most people should run %s with all the latest updates and bug fixes installed and so their uninstall data is generally not required.  If you remove the uninstall data you can only remove the updates by re-installing %s.'




#sTotalUninstallData='Uninstall data occupies %s of storage.  You can delete this now if you wish to recover the space.'
sTotalUninstallData='Uninstall data occupies %s of storage.  You can delete this now if you wish to recover the space.'

#sDeleteRecycle='Delete to Recycle Bin'
sDeleteRecycle='Delete to Recycle Bin'

#sNotAllDeleted='Some files were not deleted.  They may have been locked for use by %s.'
sNotAllDeleted='Some files were not deleted.  They may have been locked for use by %s.'

#sPromptSendStateData1='While checking for updated versions %s can tell the %s developers which features you have chosen to uninstall from %s.  These removal statistics are sent anonymously to help LitePC Technologies in planning future versions and products.'
sPromptSendStateData1='While checking for updated versions %s can tell the %s developers which features you have chosen to uninstall from %s.  These removal statistics are sent anonymously to help LitePC Technologies in planning future versions and products.'

#sPromptSendStateData2='Send removal statistics?'
sPromptSendStateData2='Send removal statistics?'

#DiskClean_DESC='Disk Cleanup'
DiskClean_DESC='Disk Cleanup'

#DiskClean_InfoTip='Enables you to clear your disk of unnecessary files.'
DiskClean_InfoTip='Enables you to clear your disk of unnecessary files.'


#ntbackup_InfoTip='Archives data to protect it from accidental loss.'
ntbackup_InfoTip='Archives data to protect it from accidental loss.'

#ImapiSvc_Display='IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service'
ImapiSvc_Display='IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service'

#ImapiSvc_Desc='Manages CD recording using Image Mastering Applications Programming Interface (IMAPI). If this service is stopped, this computer will be unable to record CDs. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.'
ImapiSvc_Desc='Manages CD recording using Image Mastering Applications Programming Interface (IMAPI). If this service is stopped, this computer will be unable to record CDs. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.'

#DEFRAG_SNAPIN='Disk Defragmenter'
DEFRAG_SNAPIN='Disk Defragmenter'

#DEFRAG_Infotip='Defragments your volumes so that your computer runs faster and more efficiently.'
DEFRAG_Infotip='Defragments your volumes so that your computer runs faster and more efficiently.'

#perfmon='Performance Monitor'
perfmon='Performance Monitor'

#PerfmonSvc_Desc='Monitor the performance of Windows subsystems with graphical display of performance data'
PerfmonSvc_Desc='Monitor the performance of Windows subsystems with graphical display of performance data'

#VB5run_DESC='VB 5.0 Runtime Library'
VB5run_DESC='VB 5.0 Runtime Library'

#VB5run_TIP='The Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 runtime library contains shared code that is required by all programs written using Microsoft Visual Basic version 5.x'
VB5run_TIP='The Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 runtime library contains shared code that is required by all programs written using Microsoft Visual Basic version 5.x'

#VB6run_DESC='VB 6.0 Runtime Library'
VB6run_DESC='VB 6.0 Runtime Library'

#VB6run_TIP='The Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 runtime library contains shared code that is required by all programs written using Microsoft Visual Basic version 6.x'
VB6run_TIP='The Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 runtime library contains shared code that is required by all programs written using Microsoft Visual Basic version 6.x'


#notepad_infotip='Creates and edits text files using basic text formatting.'
notepad_infotip='Creates and edits text files using basic text formatting.'

#sValidateSig1='This copy of %s could not be activated using the customer information stored on this computer.  To complete the activation process %s must connect on-line to LitePC Technologies to confirm your license details.'
sValidateSig1='This copy of %s could not be activated using the customer information stored on this computer.  To complete the activation process %s must connect on-line to LitePC Technologies to confirm your license details.'

#sValidateSig2='%s could not be activated because the customer details stored on this computer for license %s are not correct.'
sValidateSig2='%s could not be activated because the customer details stored on this computer for license %s are not correct.'

#sValidateSig3='The correct license details have been re-sent via email from LitePC Technologies to the email address that is registered to license %s. Please use the license details from this email when you re-start %s.'
sValidateSig3='The correct license details have been re-sent via email from LitePC Technologies to the email address that is registered to license %s. Please use the license details from this email when you re-start %s.'

#sValidateSig4='If your registered email address is no longer valid you can login to LitePC Technologies server to update your customer profile and request new license codes. %s'
sValidateSig4='If your registered email address is no longer valid you can login to LitePC Technologies server to update your customer profile and request new license codes. %s'

#sValidateLicense5='quoting code: %s'
sValidateLicense5='quoting code: %s'

##################### END LANGUAGE MODULE ##################### 

Remove NOT from the Category below when the translation is complete


Language Files