XPlite can uninstall Thai Language, re-install or repair Thai Language on Windows XP and Windows 2000. Improve Windows performance and security.
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Thai Language Thai Language

Thai Default resources for SQL Free Text Search (FTS) cache and index files

Detailed information has not been added for this feature.

In XPlite Free Trial you can find Thai Language under the group titled Indexing Service language resources Indexing Service language resources.

Install Thai Language:

If you install Thai Language to your system using XPlite Free Trial you will also be required to install the following components that Thai Language requires:

Uninstall Thai Language:

Thai Language is not required by other system components in XPlite Free Trial. You can safely uninstall Thai Language without compromising other XPlite Free Trial components.

BUT PLEASE NOTE: You may have other software installed that does require Thai Language. If you encounter any compatibility issues with other software you can quickly and easily reinstall Thai Language using XPlite Free Trial.


XPlite Free Trial can completely uninstall Thai Language and reinstall to repair Thai Language on:

  • Windows XP Professional: orig, SP1, SP2
  • Windows XP Home: orig, SP1, SP2
  • Windows 2000 Professional: orig, SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4
  • Windows 2003 Server: orig, SP1, SP2(coming!)

User Removal Statistics for Thai Language

Of 2273 sampled Windows XP users, 955 left Thai Language installed and 1318 people uninstalled Thai Language from their system.

Of 393 sampled Windows 2000 users, 76 left Thai Language installed and 189 people uninstalled it from their system. No data for another 128 users (advanced features hidden or incomplete log data).

Pro Users can help us collect these removal statistics.

  1. In XPlite or 2000lite press XPlite properties button to access preferences.
  2. Ensure logging is on.
  3. Check "Send component state data when checking for upgrades" on the Preferences tab.
  4. Using the Check for Upgrades button on the About tab.

The information sent is the last block only of component installation state data - you can see this in the log as "option=1" or "option=0". No personal information is conveyed.

This option is available in the Free Trial Version of XPlite and also as part of XPlite Professional.

Thankyou for purchasing XPlite Professional.

Thai Language is avalable as option in XPlite ProfessionalPRO Thai Language is avalable as option in XPlite Free TrialTrial
